Get Help

Get 24-Hour Support For Your Family

Helping families overcome obstacles that can lead to a cycle of homelessness — that’s what we strive to do with every family that asks Inn from the Cold for help!

Are you a family in the Calgary area currently experiencing a housing crisis? We are here to help you! We provide three main programs to help families: prevention and diversion, emergency family shelter, and supportive housing. We accept any family with a pregnant mother or at least one child under 18 years of age.

To get support and access our programs call our 24-hour helpline at 403 263 8384 or fill out the form below and someone will be in touch with you as soon as possible. Please note that our 24-hour helpline is best if you need an immediate response.

If you are an expectant mother or a mother with a newborn and are looking for support, please contact our Emma House team by calling or texting us at 403-870-5231.

Note that we have moved to a new location at 706 7 Avenue S.W.

Complete This Form To Get Help

Note: If you are reaching out as a representative or advocate for a family in need, please call us at 403.263.8384

Family Information:

Other Ways To Get Help

You can email us at Please note that this email address is not monitored 24-hours a day and is best suited for non-urgent information requests. All emails will get a response within 24 hours.

You can call 211 for referral services for financial, social, or mental health support (They are available in more than 170 languages).

Call 403 266 4357 for the Crisis Line at the Distress Centre, if you need someone to talk to at any time (They are available in more than 200 languages).

Are you a newcomer to Canada? Call 211 or call us at 403 263 8384 and we can connect you to organizations that can help provide information in languages other than English.

Want to learn more about the programs we offer? Check out our program information pages.