We are so excited to have Element Technical Services back on the DreamINN Big! Gala crew this year. This is Element Technical’s fourth year as a sponsor of our DreamINN Big! Gala. This year they have jumped on the trapeze, swinging in to be this year’s Big Top Dinner Sponsor.
As the company notes, “Element’s roots are deep in the communities in which it operates, and champions causes important to these communities, employees and clients.” They demonstrate these roots through their long history with Inn from the Cold. They have been involved since 2013 in a variety of ways, and have been a DreamINN Big! Gala sponsor since 2014. Their ongoing support has benefited homeless children and their families through the Inn’s ongoing delivery of Early Childhood Development programming along with other essential family support programs.
Element Technical is committed to community and they show that both through their work, and their investment in community philanthropic causes. Inn from the Cold would not be able to provide families in crisis with the kinds of support we offer without their help.
The DreamINN Big! Gala is SOLD OUT! To be placed on a waitlist please contact Hilary Jenkins hilary@innfromthecold.org