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Family Homelessness INNformation Series: Episode 5

Family Homelessness INNformation Series: Social Inclusion

Episode 5 of our INNformation Series will be exploring the topic of social inclusion. The United Nations defines social inclusion as: “the process of improving the terms of participation in society, particularly for people who are disadvantaged, through enhancing opportunities, access to resources, voice and respect for rights.”

Watch Kara Layher and Abe Brown discuss the concept of social inclusion, how it is put into practice at the Inn and how we can all be models of social inclusion.

Stay tuned for our research blog coming later this week!


Find out more on our Family Homelessness INNformation Series HERE.

You can watch episodes from part 1 HERE, or read our blog summary HERE.

You can watch episodes from part 2 HERE, read our blog summary HERE, and read an interview with our data analyst Anthony Eagle HERE.

You can watch episodes from part 3 HERE, read our blog summary HERE and a blog post from our Youth Programming Manager, Colin Doucette HERE

Watch episodes from part 4 HERE, read our blog summary HERE and a blog post from our Assessment and Triage Team Lead Brett Linderman HERE.