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Family Homelessness INNformation Series: Episode 6


It’s back! We are back with monthly episodes of the Family Homelessness INNformation Series. This month we are exploring the topic of housing. Specifically, why is housing a critical entity to end child and family homelessness in our community?

Housing has recently become a huge component in the care we provide to families. Although our Emergency Family Shelter and programs provide basic needs and critical skills and knowledge to guests, housing is the last and most critical set in the healing process. Affordable housing provides stability for families and the foundation they need to sustain independence in the mainstream community.

We offer a wide spectrum of housing options based on a family’s specific needs based on acuity, family-size, trauma and other variables that may play a role in why a family is experiencing homelessness. From scattered site housing to our Journey House program, we case manage and assist families so they are confident and comfortable in their independence. Watch Abe Brown and Kara Layher discuss housing as an entity of care provided at Inn from the Cold and why housing plays a critical role in the homeless-serving sector.

Stay tuned for more information on housing coming throughout the next few weeks!