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INNformation Report Series: Focus on Indigenous Homelessness

INNformation Report Series

The Role of Reconciliation in Ending Child and Family Homelessness

Reconciliation is a trending topic across the nation and is something continually acknowledged in the work we do every day. The overrepresentation of Indigenous families in the populations we serve has us reaching out to community partners, experts, individuals with lived experience of homelessness, traditional knowledge keepers and Indigenous elders for their wisdom on how to provide the best care to Indigenous families. It is important to understand that intergenerational trauma has left many without the simple priveledges others in our society know, therefore we must meet individuals asking for assistance, where they are at, and begin the healing journey from that point. As well, it is important to incorporate the Truth and Reconciliation 94 Calls to Action, as well as, the 12 dimensions of Indigenous homelessness in our work.

Because this is such a critical part of achieving our goal of creating a community where no child or family is homelessness, we will begin our INNformation Report Series during our month focusing on Indigenous Homelessness. This report specifically looks at reconciliation and what is the important role it plays in truly creating solutions for children and families experiencing homelessness.

The full report can be accessed here:

INNformation Report: Focus on Indigenous Homelessness

This month, the INNformation Series has a special focus on Indigenous homelessness.

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Or read our most recent blog:

Family Homelessness INNformation Series: Indigenous Homelessness